1. How does Shade Away™ saline tattoo removal work?

Shade Away™ Saline tattoo removal is effective on all types of cosmetic tattoos and most small body tattoos. Age, color and depth of tattoo does play a part in the removal process. The newer the tattoo, the easier it is to remove and on the flip side, the older and deeper the tattoo, it will take more saline sessions to lighten and remove.

2. What can Shade Away™  remove?

Eyebrow, Lips, Eyeliner, Scalp Micro Pigmentation and small body tattoos. 

3. Who is a good candidate for Shade Away™ saline tattoo removal?

If you have a cosmetic tattoo that you no longer like or it has changed colour or shape and you want to get rid of it, Shade Away™ Saline tattoo removal is the solutions to your problem. It is a non invasive method to remove a tattoo that does not hurt and is less expensive than other methods of removal such as laser. Our product contains Aloe Vera which heals, soothes and softens the skin that has been treated. 

3. How many sessions does it take to remove an eyebrow tattoo?

Anywhere between 1 to 6 sessions are required. Sometimes more if the tattoo has been implanted too deeply into the skin. The number of treatments you will need can not be pre determined because it depends on the size of the tattoo, the type of ink used by your tattoo artist and of course age and depth of tattoo. Your removal specialist will advise you on an approximate number of sessions to achieve the best results. 

4. Does it hurt?

No. Little to no discomfort. Shade Away™ Saline tattoo removal solution is performed with tiny needles that we use to create a cosmetic tattoo and is not injected deeply into the skin. Just incase, we recommend applying an over the counter numbing cream to minimise any discomfort.  

5. Does it cause scarring?

No. It is highly unusual to have scarring from tattoo removal. Rest assured, we practice proper protocols, use safe removal techniques and Shade Away™ Saline tattoo removal solution is safe for your skin. 

6. How long does it take to complete each treatment?

It will take approximately 20-30  minutes per treatment.

7. What should I do after the removal treatment?

Aftercare is required. The treated area must be kept clean and dry until healed which usually takes 5-7 days. Then a balm is applied for another 5 days to continue to heal the skin. Your removal specialist will give you this balm at your treatment.

8. How much time is required between treatments?

Good things come to those who wait!  You must wait 4-6 weeks in-between treatments to allow the skin to heal.

9. Can I wear makeup after the treatment?

You can not wear make up immediately after the tattoo removal session. The skin needs to be kept clean and dry to allow the skin to heal properly. You may apply make up around the treated area but allow a 1-2cm gap around the treated area. 

10. Is Shade Away™ Saline tattoo removal expensive? 

No. Shade Away™  is one of the most effective yet economical ways to remove your unwanted tattoo. It costs around $150 per session.

11. Do I need training to use Shade Away™ ? 

Yes. Only trained professionals can use Shade Away™. If you are a PMU artist you can purchase our training from this website.